Friday, November 7, 2008

A Postivie & A Negative

I've been thinking that I need to document that Charlee no longer sleeps in pull-ups. She has been out of them for over 3 weeks now. Woohoo! It was hard for me to get her out of them because she was very unpredictable...Sydnee never really peed at night; even before she was potty-trained, she stayed dry all night. So as soon as she was in panties, she was in them 24/7. Charlee, on the other hand, was almost always wet in the morning. The other thing about Chuck is that she didn't always wake up if she wet herself, so I preferred to keep her in pull-ups.

(I'm writing this stuff for personal records, I know most aren't interested in the bathroom routines of my children.)

The sad thing is that Char had her first accident since being pull-up free a couple nights ago. This morning as I was gathering up dirty clothes I noticed a pillow in the corner of her room. It had, offended in the accident. This particular pillow is probably older than me. I have had it and loved it since I can remember. It was a down pillow and was the only one I ever slept on...until about the last 5 years; then the girls inherited it. I have to keep 3 pillow cases on it to keep the feathers from flying everywhere and it is much smaller than it used to be. There was no sense in saving it anymore. There was no way to wash it and I guess it was it's time to go. I said my farewells and laid it to rest in the garbage can. :( Even though I haven't slept with it for a while, it was sad to let it go.

Of course, I can't include baby pics of two children and leave out the third...So, here is Sydnee at 7 months.


Vicki said...

Maybe I should let one of my kids have an accident on Ebineezer Scrunge... that is what I named Jake's down pillow that he has had since childhood... I am sure if you opened it an looked under a microscope it wouldn't be pretty.

nina said...

I have pillows like that that I have had for far to long. Sometimes it is better to just lay them to rest even if it is hard ;)

Michelle Thompson said...

Wow! I would have never guessed that was Syd.

Kalli Ko said...

i love that you call her chuck