Saturday, November 22, 2008

Dancing makes cleaning more fun!

I started up itunes on my computer so I could enjoy some music while I tackled our office. The office is definitely our catch-all room. Plus, it has all of Justin's papers and stuff from work and military, and I never know what is important and what isn't, so I don't dare move anything let alone throw anything away...and of course, he doesn't put things away. ;)
Anyway, it was full of clutter and needed an overhaul.
The music was pretty loud and it didn't take Justee more than 10 seconds to come running. She immediately started dancing. Sydnee followed shortly after Justee, and then Charlee came and joined the dancing party. We had fun dancing and I didn't get much cleaned for a while, but eventually I got it done.

This evening I got a babysitter and went shopping and then met some friends for dinner. It was a lot of fun. I even got the girls some Christmas dresses on sale for 50% off!


Stacey said...

Doesn't Lilly have SO much paper work?? I have problems w/ Tony's office as is in the front of the house w/ glass doors, so when someone comes in...they see the papers! UGH!! You are such a fun mom and see positive in all! Happy Birthday, today!

Vicki said...

I'm glad you took time to dance with them... that is always more important than organizing :)


Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

I'm glad you got to dance. Your girls will always remember your dance parties. I'm glad you got to go out too. Sometimes mommy just needs a little time, good for you.

The Leithead Family said...

Me and my girls love to dance too! It is so embarrasing when Kyle walks in on us unexpectedly!! Ha ha!! Sounds like fun!