Monday, November 10, 2008

Great Friends

After seeing the post where I vented about my stupid dog, some friends came to the rescue. Josh and Trish came over to fix my dog-chewed fence. To top it all off, Josh fixed our chair! Our chair has been missing its springs for years now (a couple of plastic crates have been placed under the cushion to hold it up. Sad really) Josh threw in some expertly placed wood and viola! It is good as new.
I didn't get any pics of him fixing the fence, but he did a great job. It would take Dozer a whole month of non-stop chewing to get through that fence and I still don't think he could get out (well at least from the spot Josh fixed.)
Here is Josh fixing (you can see Trish peeking in to give Josh some pointers. We all know she is the brains behind the operation. ;) and then enjoying the chair.

Thanks again you guys! You are amazing!


Stacey said...

Great that you have good friends like that!