Monday, November 3, 2008

10 Things I Hate About my Dog...

First I better say that Dozer is not my dog, he is Justin's dog.

1-He stinks! Even if he is clean he is finding some way to stink up the place, either by farting, belching, or peeing in his kennel... which brings me to #2
2-He pees in his kennel! This stupid dog hates going outside so bad that I will open the door and he makes a run for his kennel...Then, 15 mins later there is pee in his kennel. (ok he has only peed in it twice, but still...just go outside where dogs belong!)
3-He eats cat poop! He will go into the laundry room, and get into the litter box.
4-He stinks!
5-He lays under the recliner. Every time I put up the foot thing on the couch, he lays under it...Then when I go to put it down, it hits him. You'd think the stupid dog would learn.
6-He breaks everything! He chews on whatever he can get his teeth into. He chewed a huge hole in our tramp, and he eats our fence...which brings me to #7
7-He won't stay in the backyard. He will chew and smash his head into the fence until it breaks and he can get out. He literally bulldozes through the fence. Most of the time he just goes to our front door and scratches at it to come in. I don't get it!
8-He is loud! He snorts and makes all kinds of noises, and even when he sleeps he is loud because he snores.
9-He poops all over the yard. Why can't he pick a spot and poop there every time?
10-He stinks!
Here is some proof of the damage he has done all around our yard:
All of the new wood has replaced pieces of the fence that Dozer has broken.
He broke these pieces when Nicholls lived in the house behind us. (They have since moved up the street.) He liked to go sit in the waterfall in their backyard.

*notice the new neighbors dog peeking through a small crack in the fence. That dog barks way too much. At least that is one good thing about Dozer...he doesn't really bark. This is his latest devastation: Justin fixed this section of the fence just days before he left. It didn't take Dozer long to remake his escape hole. He has had to be returned by our kind neighbors a few times, so this is how I rigged the fence for now. It sure ain't pretty, but hopefully it will keep him in for a while. Good heck, he is only outside for a couple hours a day, if that. We have a pretty big backyard, I just do not understand why he insists on getting out.
So, because Dozer peed in his Kennel, and because he stinks in general...I gave him a bath today.
Now that is a face only a mother could love:
Cash had to come check out what was going on with his buddy. These two play together and sleep together all the time. It is really hilarious. Dozer is such a sweet dog that he wouldn't even hurt a cat. ;)
Justee decided that Cash needed to get down, so she pulled him down. He smells much better..................but he still stinks.


KrIStiN said...

Are you sure you weren't talking about my dog!?!!!??? That describes him perfectly, except he doesn't go through our fence cuz it's the vinyl kind, but I dunno, i think I hate my dog most days, i would much rather kick him than pet him. He is on my bad list today, can you tell???

Stacey said...

Tony says your dog, Dozer, looks like Justin!!! haha, seriously!

Stacey said...

He sounds like Justin too(that is tony talking)

Jill Asay said... are hilarious!

Michelle Thompson said...

I love dogs, but I don't want one because of all those reasons. Ginger did so much damage in 9 months that I never want another dog again. They are worse than kids.

Greg Becky said...

Well you know my feel on animals. Enough said right. Good Luck!

Kalli Ko said...

my dog drives me INSANE

and he's a really good dog too, I don't know why i get so bugged

probably because he's smelly, and poops, and sheds all over my furniture, and begs, and follows you from room to room, especially in the kitchen... begging for food.

drives me crazy

Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

This sounds like the big chocolate monster in my back yard. I'm not an animal lover at all. But I have grown to love the beast.(as long as he is outside, and I don't have to take care of him)

Brenda said...

That brought back a lot of memories of me and Duke. Remember Kev's bloodhound. Kevin and I fought more in the first 18 mos. of Duke's life than we had in our entire marriage. He was a stupid dog. Didn't someone steal Dozer? Don't you wish you hadn't found him?

Vicki said...

I swear that I commented on here yesterday?
it disappeared I guess...
We are still going to get a cat :)