Thursday, February 12, 2009


It was time for Valentine's Day cookies again...

The decorating begins:

It's a good thing we aren't sharing these cookies, because Justee just licked frosting off of her knife the entire time.

They are all done!
Justee was VERY upset that I took her cookie from her to get a pic. So she did what she does best...screamed until she got what she wanted.
She is a little happier in this pic cause she has her cookie and her sprinkles, but you can still see the pout in her eyes.
When I told Charlee at the beginning of our day that we would be making Vday cookies, she asked if we could make one for daddy...I told her of course, and she said, "I REALLY want daddy to come home." I told her I did too. Then she said, "Daddy is going to be gone so long, that I will be all growed up when he comes back." Then she started telling me some story that didn't make any sense at all...

As we were getting ready to decorate the cookies I told the girls they had to help me wipe off the table and pick up the scrapes from the valentines they had made. They were very good helpers and doing a great job...I was mixing the frosting while Sydnee was sweeping and Chuck was wiping the table, when Sydnee says, "It is like you are the queen and we are your servants!"
It seems to feel like it is the other way around most of the time. :)
Sydnee brought her valentines to school to pass out today...she came home and was concerned that someone didn't get a balloon that was attached to her cards, cause she had an extra balloon in the bottom of her bag. She looked at me and said, "I just hope it's not one of the guys I like."
and who might those "guys" be? She just looked sheepishly at me and smiled.
Sydnee was very proud of how big she blew up her balloon...Char was very worried that it was going to pop.


Stacey said...

I think it is funny that they think you are the Queen! You could tell them they are your 3 princesses..haha! Servants? I agree...It is the other way around. Love it! I am doing my cookies today! YUMMY

Tracy said...

CUTE!! Love the pictures and love that you take the time to make cookies with your girls!! I should be making cookies today, instead I'm browning 30 pounds of hamburger and getting ready for our ward Valentine adult only dinner party!! :-)

As long as your a "Good" queen and don't turn into a "Bad" one, I guess it's all good!! ;-)

Vicki said...

Guys? She already calls them guys? How funny.
I gotta go make my dough now...

Ranee` said...

Those look like such fun valentine's day cookies! And yummy too!

Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

Fun, Fun!!
I did the same thing today but with no help. Enjoy the help, because when they become teenagers they just want the reward without helping. I guess you could say they are the Queen and King of the house, and I'm the kitchen help;)