Saturday, February 7, 2009

Better Late Than Never

On Thursday, some friends and I got together to make some chocolates. I wanted to send some to Justin for Valentine's Day, and they wanted to learn the trade. We made 3 batches of carmels and two batches of fondant (the filling for the chocolates) and dipped a lot of chocolates. It was a busy day with 8 kids running around, but it was fun too.
While we were busy in the kitchen, a couple of monsters were cooking up some trouble of their my fire pit.
kisses from Christian

We made a few kinds I haven't made coconut...which is going to be a regular for me every time I make them from now on, and rum, which will never make another appearance.
Here they are in all their glory.

Not everyone could stay until the end, so they missed out on the photo op.
Here is Cherelle and Trisha.I joined them and Sydnee took the pic. She did a pretty good job.
Everyone got to take some home and there were still lots to send to Justin...I hope they make it there in good shape. If least you can see what they should look like Justin. ;)
I took the girls to pick out a few things to send to their dad for V-Day and to get a few new fish for our tank...we lost a couple during the holidays. On the way to the store, Charlee blew her first bubble gum bubble. She was so excited, but I think Sydnee was even more excited. She had been trying to teach Char the whole drive. It was fun to listen to them.
The bad news of the day is that we didn't get Justin's package shipped as planned. I already knew that Justin's V-day package was going to get to him late, but after getting to the UPS Store just mins after closing time, it is now going to be really sad.


Tracy said...

Those chocolate look amazing!! YUM!!

Stacey said...

YUMMY!!! You are creative! They look delicious and I don't like chocolate :)

Vicki said...

Ter--- You are looking pretty skinny in that picture... good thing you are shipping most of the chocolates to Justin :)

Justin said...

Looks like the kids had a good time while you were baking. I'm so excited for the chocolates, the Christmas ones went so fast. Thanks for all the effort. Lots of Love our LOL!

Abbey Chase said...

That's a pretty cute boy kissin' on Justee. Maybe we should talk about an arranged marriage?
Thanks for teaching us the trade. I'm lovin' my chocolates!

Michelle Thompson said...

You are going to have to teach me sometime. A lady here does it and it is a lot of work. They look delicious! We are sending Justin a V-day package too and ours isn't going out until tomorrow, so it will be late also.

Greg Becky said...

Yum, You are so nice to make him treats. Don't forget you can save some for me!
Greg has been enjoying the pictures Ju has been sending him.