Wednesday, October 8, 2008

She is officially a Ball!

Well, we are back from our trip to Las Vegas. Here is a rundown from our adventures:
We drove to St. George where Justin's sister kept our three girls for us while we went on to Vegas. On the way there Justee got a little, ok a lot, carsick. We had to stop and do some cleaning...poor girl had to drive 4 hours in a car seat without the padding. Luckily our trip got lots better and we had a ton of fun.
All of Renae's friends met for dinner and then we went to a club called Tao. It was so much fun to hang out with the girls and get a little 'wild' is very mild compared to some of the girls' 'wild', but I still had a great time.
On Sat. night we went to Renae's house for some tacos (maybe the best I've ever had) and some conversation. We laughed reminisced and laughed some more.
Renae's wedding was gorgeous and Renae was absolutely beautiful.(I never expected less.) Her dress was amazing and everything turned out great as far as I could tell.
After the wedding Justin and I headed back to St. George. On Monday night I took family pics for Michelle and Jayson. I hope the pictures are enough payback for the HUGE favor that they did for us by keeping our girls so Justin and I could enjoy our last getaway before Justin leaves. Thanks again you guys!!!
My sisters and I started a blog to post some of our creative endeavors. We are slow about getting our stuff up there, but I am posting some of my favs from Mon. on it, and maybe I'll get some other pics I've done on there. My sisters are very creative and artsy and I'm kind of just a tag along, but here is the address...


Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

Thanks for the comment. The rolo cookies sound yummy.
I truely love Michelle and Jayson's pictures. You did a fantastic job. They are such a fun family, and Michelle has been such a great friend to me. I'm sure your girls had the time of their life at their house. They are such cute girls. Please check in on me again, and leave comments:):)

Dana said...

Teri! Good times in Vegas. Glad you guys came. Where are the pics??? :) How was the drive to Saint George? All I gotta say is that 4:00 am came pretty early when I didn't get to bed until 1:00...I was a zombie at work.