Sunday, October 19, 2008

Bird Watching

I was mentally prepared for Saturday. I was ready (as much as you can be ready) to say goodbye, and see my soldier (or warrior as he likes to call himself ;) off. Things didn't happen as planned though...

12 men were leaving in Black hawks, then Justin along with 4 other men were supposed to be leaving after them in a small plane. The 5 men were going to arrive first, even though they left later, and get things set up for everyone. Right as they were getting ready to pull the plane out and board, they realized that there was a problem with the altimeter. They can't fly with a broken altimeter, so we were BLESSED with one more day with Justin! We got to go home at noon and spend the rest of the day together which was great, but it was hard to prepare myself for his departure all over again.

It was sad watching all the other families say goodbye as their husbands, fathers, sons, and brothers got on these 3 helicopters and flew away. Although it was sad, there was also a feeling of pride and respect in the air. This video shows a pretty neat sight, one that you definitely don't get to see everyday...

I had to bring Justin back to Cheyenne today and really say goodbye this time. Here is a video of his helicopter leaving... I gave him a hug and said my final goodbyes after the girls, but I'm not in the video since I can't video myself ;) I also wanted to add that I really thought this song fit because he will be home once Sept. of 09 is over.

I had an easier time saying goodbye knowing that Justin will be home for Thanksgiving. Saying goodbye again after Thanksgiving will be quite a bit harder. I have never been a fan of the Military lifestyle and I'm not especially motivated by the "serving your country" stuff; but I do love this country and the freedoms I enjoy. Why should I get to enjoy the comforts this country provides without making any sacrifices for it? I know that Justin is making a harder one than I am, but we are in it together and I'll stand by him through it all.


Vicki said...

that video made me get teary.... and that is without seeing the second one. It makes me appreciate all the other soldiers more when I think of all of then with wives and families like you.

Stacey said...

The video is and your family are troopers. Thanksgiving is right around the corner. You and the girls are in our thoughts!

Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

I just always remember Justin being Michelle's little brother, the little boy down the street from us. It was neat seeing him in is uniform, with his little girls. It brought tears to my eyes. What a great man, and what a great wife and mother you are. I could never do that. Thanksgiving will come fast, and what a great time that will be for you all. Your in my thoughts as well.

Trisha said...

I loved the videos! the second one with Justin saying goodbye to the girls was SO dang sweet!! You have a wonderful family!! Please let me know if you need help with anything at all. Thank you for sharing this part of your life with us!

Kalli Ko said...

i can't even watch the videos, i'm not hormonally equipped to handle that right now!

i'm thinking about you, and your man, and your girls.

what an awesome sacrifice you're all making

Jem said...

This is from RP. Good luck over there Ju we're proud of you! Thanks a ton for what you are doing for us back here!!!!!