Thursday, October 30, 2008


Tonight was our ward's trunk-or-treat. Sydnee wanted to invite her friend from the neighborhood, so she joined us. There was a potluck dinner and then games for the kids. Here is Justee at the fishing booth.Another game they had was the one where you tie a donut to a string and you have to eat it without using your hands. Sydnee didn't want to do it because she said she didn't like donuts (she eats donuts, so I think she was just too embarrassed.) Charlee loved it and she made me laugh so hard. After the games came the good stuff. This is the back of our Expedition. It was much cooler than it looks with the flash photo. We had scary music and a strobe light. Justee hung out with me while the other girls went from car to car. Justee would wander to the cars right next to us to get a piece of candy and then say "Tank Q."
Syd looks pretty scary in this picture. They were excited to help pass out the candy after they made the loop. Here is my cute jack-o-lantern trying to eat a sucker.

I always love TorTs. I think they are so much fun. We had a great time, and I am glad that so many people in my ward are so willing to lend me a hand. They really are great.


Stacey said...

Great pictures! They should have a great time today!

Tracy said...

Your girls are too CUTE!! AND you, are too CREATIVE!!! LOVE it all!! :-)

Michelle Thompson said...

The girls look awesome. I looks like you had a lot of fun. Thanks for the help with the blog last night. I really like the results and the pictures are great too. Thanks again!

Jill Asay said...

your girls' costumes were great! Too cute.

Lundberg Family said...

Looks like you had a great time at Trunk or Treat. We have ours tonight. We had a carival last night. Your girls costumes are great as is your decorated car. I keep wondering what I will do tonight. I may just play halloween music..I know I'm not that fun! Maybe next year.