Monday, October 13, 2008

Last FHE

So after a busy day, that went by way too fast, we are getting ready for FHE. (This is the last FHE we will have as an entire fam for a while.)

Justin shampooed the carpet and we did a ton of grocery shopping. Justin is brushing the girls' hair after their bath and I am getting ready to go video Justin reading bedtime stories to the girls. This is so the girls can watch the video when they are missing their daddy.

While we were in the store, Charlee decided to chew her hair along with her gum. That didn't have good results. She fell asleep on the way home and while she was sleeping Justin got all of the gum out with peanut butter. She is lucky that her dad was here to do the job, because her mom wanted to just cut it out. Char didn't like the threats of getting a "boy haircut." She said she didn't want to be a boy, she wanted to stay a girl.

Well, I'm off to video...


ozzmom said...

I can't beleive Justin is leaving so soon sucks to be you just know I am here whenever you need to talk Tell Justin bye for me. Are you ready for this? To be a single mom? I don't know if I could handle it but I know you can and I would have no matter what so if you need anything just let me know.

Stacey said...

I hope you had a very good time last night You are strong and can do this. We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. What a neat idea to video him reading to the girls. You are a great mommy!