I think it is obvious that I am bored with Justin gone. I have been finding myself at the computer a lot. Apparently not many other people are doing the same because as I run through my blog links I rarely find a new post. sigh
Today we went to church and were pretty much on time (got there during the opening song.) I taught my lesson in the Laurel class. The lesson was called "We have a Wonderful Legacy" or something to that effect. It was about how blessed we are to have the restored gospel on the earth, and how the pioneers left us with a great
legacy. Since Justin wasn't there to wrangle Justee, she got to come be a distraction in my class. Luckily the YW presidency stepped in for me when I had to leave and change her. (I can't wait until she can go to nursery.) Sister Pollyea and Sister Keddington told about some pioneer experiences and I am grateful that they helped me out on such a stressful day.
After church we took a walk on this beautiful day. It felt windy enough to fly our kite, but the wind was blowing down more than up, and the kite wouldn't get very high. A couple other families had the same idea as we did, and they were attempting to fly kites too. The kites were lifting up easily, but then they hit a barrier and couldn't get above it. Oh well, it was nice to get outside.
Justee is pushing the stroller and Dozer is chasing it because he likes to lay in its shade.
I'm sorry that your bored without Justin there. I know how you feel. I am alone a lot here. It really makes me greatful that I have kids to help keep my mind busy, I'm sure you feel that way too.
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