Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Flashback...9 Years

Because our 9th wedding anniversary is on Sunday, I thought this flashback was fitting...
This is my sister Vicki, me, my little bro Mark, and my Mom on my 18th birthday...who knew I'd be engaged a few short hours later?... Yes, I was engaged at age 18. Crazy I tell ya...and yes, I knew it was crazy back then. I might have done things a little different if I could go back in time, but not if it would've changed where I am at in life now...I can't imagine not having Justin and the girls in my I guess I made the right "stupid choice" at the ripe old age of 18. ;)

Justin and I have had some great adventures together; we have experienced many wonderful things in our life thus far. I can't wait for him to get home, so we can continue our life together.

I was feeding Justin our wedding cake on our first anniversary in the following pics...the cake fell off the fork, and because of my cat-like reflexes, I caught it and saved the day.
Going to my first formal military thingy:
At the temple on our honeymoon:

As I was preparing to write this post, I looked back through my blog....Justin will be home 3 weeks from today (How incredible is that??!!) I know that for some people, the time has seemed to fly by, and I myself am in awe that this day is so close; but when I was looking back through the blog, I realize just how long he has been gone. There have been about 165 posts made since he left...that is a lot of time and events missed. I found a few posts that I wanted to refresh my memory with, now I will share them with on these 3 links: LAST YEAR'S ANNIVERSARY, 2 GREAT VIDEOS, and ONE MORE GREAT VIDEO
Thanks for 9 great years, Justin. I Love you!


Vicki said...

Congratulation son 9 years.
I can't wait until it is 3 weeks until he is home for good, and not just for his 15 day leave --- It will be so nice for you and the girls to get to see him.

Stacey said...

Congrats on your 9 yr anniversary! I know you are looking forward to many more as well! Great photos!!

Justin said...

I hope the first nine have been as good for you as they have been for me! I Love you more than ever woman and can't wait to see you! We look so young in those pics, I'm so glad I robbed the cradle! Lots of Love woman, I look forward to many more happy years with you!

ozzmom said...

Holy cow that is awesome I still can't beleive he is coming home how exciting Hope you guys enjoy his homecoming.

Kalli said...

dude, I remember thinking you were MENTAL!

Way to prove us all wrong, so glad you're even more happy 9 years later.


Lundberg Family said...

Happy Anniversary! Hope you guys have a great time when Justin gets home! You both deserve it!

Carola said...

It is Flag Day and it helps me remember your anniversary! Congratulations on 9 years together. You are a great couple and family. Love you lots!

Michelle Thompson said...

Congratulations on 9 years and many more to come!