Sunday, June 21, 2009

Summer Solstice...and Father's Day

I better start off with a Happy Father's Day to Justin and my Dad! It was kinda hard listening to the girl's sing "I'm so Glad When Daddy Comes Home" at church. I kept thinking about how happy they will be when they see him again. That will be a marvelous sight.

Today is the first official day of summer and I am ready for it. I want the rain we have been getting so much of to stop, and the sun to shine! It sort of makes me sad to think that today is the longest day of the year (figures it would be on Father's always have it better. ;) Now the days will begin to get shorter once again.
It seems like there is always something happening tomorrow, always something you are looking forward to, always some reason you are hoping time will go by fast. I am really looking forward to Justin being home, and yet it makes me sort of sad to think that I have been wishing a whole year of our lives would just be over.
Waiting for Justin to get home feels like waiting for Christmas. Let me explain...As an adult I appreciate the build-up before Christmas Day much more than I did when I was a kid. I love the anticipation because once the waiting is over, the day has come and is gone in a flash. That is how I feel about Justin coming home for leave...I know that as soon as he gets here time will fly and then he will be gone before we know it. So, although I am really excited to see him walk off that plane, I am trying to enjoy the anticipation of knowing I will see him in a matter of days, not the matter of months that I will be waiting once he leaves again.
I just rambled on and I hope it makes sense...I guess my point is (if I have one) time is a funny enjoy your today....or something like that. ;)


Vicki said...

That is sad thinking of the girls singing "I'm so glad when daddy comes home" I think they should sing it for him again when he is there. Love you!

Brenda said...

Well said Teri!

Stacey said...

Great post, Teri!! I am so happy you will see Justin in a short time!

Niccole said...

You're right - it will come and go in the blink of an eye! I know you will savor every second, just like we did. It is so hard to send them back! Keep counting the days...