Saturday, June 6, 2009

Come and Buy my Junk...

We had a community yard sale...I thought it was a great way to have a yard sale. Everyone in the community who wanted to, could participate and the advertising was taken care of for us. Yard sale go-ers could come to one place and find lots of "one man's junk is another man's treasure" 's.
We mostly got rid of outgrown baby things. Our basement has lots more room now. ;)

The girls set up a Kool-aid stand and sold cups of Kool-aid along with mini muffins. They would get very excited whenever they had a "customer." By the end of it, Syd was saying they were rich...I wish making $10 made you rich.

And for no other reason than boredom....I present.....Strawberries:


Carola said...

Wow I love your strawberries!

Lundberg Family said...

Yum! Your stawberries look delicious! Our garden is starting to see some's our first try! HOpe it works!

Tracy said...

Cute girls!! Love the photos of the strawberries! :-)

Stacey said...

YUMMY looking strawberries! Did you get rid of everything you were trying to sell? I hope so, then you won't have to store it agin for the next yard sale!! :)