Monday, June 8, 2009

Baseball and T-Ball

Sydnee and Charlee have both had their first practices...Sydnee is in coach pitch for the first time, and this is Charlee's first year in T-ball. I am very excited about watching them both; plus it keeps my schedule full, which helps the days go by a little faster (just over 3 weeks until Justin is home!) Char's days are Mon. and Wed., and Syd plays on Tues. and Thurs.

Sydnee did really well her first practice...she has a pretty good arm and she is catching well with her mitt. She has always been able to hit the ball well, but she doesn't swing that hard...I keep telling her to put some muscle into it. :) She is definitely a pull hitter...every hit goes toward third base. I am excited about her coach...he really seems to know what he is doing. She was very excited that she got some "cleaks" this year, just like Dad wears. ;)

Charlee is the youngest on her team...she is a pretty timid little girl (until she warms up) and she was a little frustrating to watch at first. She would barely throw the ball (if you can call it a throw)...I'm talking like maybe 3 ft. I know she can throw harder than that, she was just acting...well...timid. She cannot catch with her mitt unless the ball lands directly in it, then she acts like she made the greatest accomplishment ever. The one thing that she did do amazingly well, was hit. Now I don't mean she hit the ball really hard, but she hit the ball EVERY time. She didn't slip up and hit the T or miss the ball once. The coach kept putting the ball on the T and she kept whacking it off. It was pretty fun to see. At the end of her practice she asked me, "Can I come back here again another day? That was weely fun!"

Both girls love playing and they have been asking me to go out and play with them in the yard...they really miss their daddy for stuff like this. I like to play and love to give them the practice, but I get frustrated faster than Justin does, and it is easier to have a second person there to play so I could be getting stuff in the house done.


Lauren said...

I'm glad that the girls are keeping you busy. I would love to see them play. :) Hang in there. 3 weeks is coming up fast! You are truly amazing, Teri. Thanks for your example.

Stacey said...

YAY for tee ball and baseball!!! I bet they are adorable. Funny how Char hits it hard...I am happy you have something in the days until Justin gets back! It will make the time go a little faster. You are such a great mom!

ozzmom said...

I still can't beleive how big your girls are especially Justee she is just growing so fast.