Thursday, September 11, 2008

Questions I don't like to answer...

Last night as the girls and I were driving home from Gold's, Sydnee asked what a spouse was. I explained that it was a husband or a wife. "Oh, so you have a spouse cause you have daddy!"
Me: "Yep."
Syd: "So kids don't have spouses because kids aren't married."
Me: "That's right."
Syd: "I can't wait to grow up and have a spouse and be a mommy." ...pause... "Umm, does it hurt when the Dr. takes the baby out of your stomach?"
(Sydnee has been under the impression that when you have a baby, you go to the doctor so he can take the baby out and give to you. I just haven't felt like explaining the actual process to my then 4 year old.)
Me: "Yes it hurts."
Syd: "How does the doctor take the baby out? Does he open your stomach?"
I think to myself... Great. It was easy to let her make her own assumptions, but I can't lie to her. Now I have to tell her more.
Me: "Umm, the doctor doesn't really take the baby out. The baby comes out of a special place that women have for babies. Sometimes, the doctor has to cut some people's stomachs to get a baby out if it won't come out on it's own."
Syd: Gulp! "Where's the special place that babies come out of?"
I'm can I change the subject?
Me: "By your bottom."
Oh my heck the laughing that exploded was unbelievable. Char and Syd just kept rolling and saying "by your bottom?" hahaha
After the laughing stopped Syd said, "I don't think I want to have babies."
Me: "Oh it's not that bad, and it's part of life. You'll be fine."
Then I turned the music up and was thankful that she didn't ask how babies got in your tummy.


KrIStiN said...

ha ha ha..that was the cutest thing!! You did a good job of explaining it though, i don't think i could have been that smooth about it.! ha ha..little kids are so funny,

Vicki said...

sounds just like a conversation I had a while back with Tasha... except she was concerned about the baby getting brownie batter all over it.

Dana said...

Hahaha that was so funny! Get this, my 11 year old nephew asked me about the birds and the bees, and I flat out said I wasn't having that conversation with him. It was hilarious!

nina said...

That is hilarious. I know what you mean. My daughter is eight now, and I'm thinking "Oh my gosh, only two more years till I have to give "the talk". I figure I need to do it around fifth grade, because if I don't she'll probably learn it from her friends after that. I know I did!