Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Balloons for Jada

Today is my niece Jada's birthday; she would have been 11 years old today.

Some days it feels like yesterday when she was running through the house laughing and giving Justin a great big hug. Jada was very...I don't know...'touchy-feely' and loved giving hugs and climbing all over people. I'm not that way and I enjoy my personal space; Justin on the other hand was much more tolerant of Jada's affection and let her climb and play and love on him all the time. I wish I would have gotten a few more hugs from Jada when I had the chance. It's sad how true the saying "You don't know what you've got until it's gone" is. One of my favorite things about Jada was her laugh. She had a very distinct, happy, carefree laugh and if I close my eyes I can still hear it.

My sister's second child has been gone for 2 and a half years now and I still never know what to say or do to comfort her. I'm not very good with sentimental things, but I liked Ashlee's idea of releasing balloons with notes for Jada attached to them for her birthday. Since we aren't close enough to participate with my sister's family, we held our own "birthday party."

We released 11 balloons in honor of Jada's 11th birthday. Here is what the attached notes said. (Syd and Char told me exactly what to write, but of course Justee couldn't tell me what to write. I know that she would never disagree with what I put down for her.)

Dear Jada,
Happy Birthday! I wish you were here for your birthday. I miss you and I love you. I can't wait to see you again someday. Love, Sydnee

Jada, Happy Birthday. I miss you! Love, Charlee

Jada, I am unfortunate to not get the chance to know you in this life, but I am fortunate to get to have you in my eternal family. Til we meet again. Love, Justee

Jada, I miss so many things about you: your smile, your hugs, your enthusiasm for life, and especially your laugh. I will always hold those memories dear. You were always full of love and energy, and I'm glad you're short life was part of mine. I love you, my niece. Love, Teri

Dear Jada, I miss you. I hope everything is wonderful on the other side, as I know it is. Love, Justin

{on a side note: There are 12 balloons in the first pic...I got an extra one for Justee to play with and didn't think to remove it before the pic.}


Kara said...

It's 6:30 am and I'm already crying. What a beautiful post. I remember the day Jada passed; and even though I didn't know her well, I remember being very upset. What a nice way for your family to remember her. My favorite part were the notes that the girls wrote, so sincere.
I hope that you guys are doing well with back to school. I think we're finally getting the hang of it.