Thursday, September 25, 2008

Going for a Ride

Along with the squirrels there is a statue that always catches Justee's attention. I usually drag her toward the park and away from it, but today I let her play for a while. I had my camera with me and so I got to snap a few pics. She sat down and went for a little ride in the wagon.

I didn't coach her to do anything, she did it all on her own and was having a blast. She thought it was so fun to walk around and pat all the statue kids' heads; she even tried to help the boy pulling the wagon. Then, I was getting ready to take a pic of her staring into the girl's eyes on the back when she surprised me...and kissed her. I luckily took the pic at that exact second. I couldn't believe it...I thought it was pretty funny.Sydnee and Charlee have really been into fort making lately and they are always making forts with their blankets. I went up to check on them tonight and they weren't in their beds. It didn't take long to figure out that they were under the beds. Here is proof:
...crazy girls

Justee (like most kids) rubs her eyes when she is tired. After dinner tonight she was a very tired little girl. Here is a messy faced, sleepy baby girl: