Today Justin has officially completed 6 months of his 1 year deployment. We are on the homeward stretch of this hard journey. It is nice to know that we are halfway, but at the same time...We are ONLY halfway?!
There are definitely a lot of stars on this flag...but there is a lot of empty space too.
On a completely different note...Sydnee lost her first tooth on Tuesday (her bottom right.) Unfortunately, the Tooth Fairy was very busy that night and couldn't make it to our house...she had to come the next night (good thing Santa and the Easter Bunny aren't as forgetful as the Tooth Fairy.) Sydnee was worried that her tooth was too small for the Tooth Fairy to find. I assured her she would find it. When Sydnee found her dollar the next morning she said, "She must have only given me a dollar because my tooth was so small."
Yay! This totally made my day! I can't believe he's been gone that long (I'm sure it seems like forever to you). I guess it's time to start planning our next Rock Band Party. Only 183 more days! Woo, Hoo. Teri, you're a champ!
so is it possible for Justin to be deployed again once he gets back?? you probably don't even want to even be thinking about that--i was just curious though
I had to laugh that the poor tooth fair missed her first attempt! That has happened at our house more than I would like to admit! Glad to hear you are human! :) You are a great mom and always doing such fun things! Exciting about the flag...looking good.
I hope this next 6 months goes fast! Doesn't he get a trip home sometime?
Love that the Tooth Fairy messes up at others houses...I had a hard time remember that one all the time!!!
Geez--- I even warned the tooth fairy -- bc she always screws up at our house and I wanted to make sure she did a better job at yours.
I'm just glad the tooth fairy made it since she has so much going on beside being the fairy. Thanks for doing such a great job there without me! I Love You woman, you're amazing!
The Thompson tooth fairy sometimes forgets and doesn't come for 2 or 3 nights, so yours is doing pretty good only forgetting one night and ours only brings $1 too.
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