Wednesday, May 6, 2009

He's a Survivor!

You know that song: "The cat came back...thought he was a goner, but the cat came back....?

Well it has been in my head all day.

After being gone an entire month....Cash found his way home last night at 12:30.

Here is the story in full-boring detail:

Last night I went to bed early(11:00), thinking it would be nice to get a little extra sleep. I was kidding myself... Every time I dozed off, I would dream that I was falling off the back of a treadmill, so I would jump and wake up. After about an hour and a half of this I finally fell asleep, only to be awakened by a familiar meow at the back porch. I jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs and opened the door. There he was; a very excited Cash. He came in and after getting some attention from me, he ran straight to his food dish. He is pretty skinny and has a few scrapes on his body, but is otherwise fine.
He meowed VERY loudly for a couple of hours and woke Charlee and Sydnee up. They were very excited, but after his persistent cry for affection they wanted me to shut their door so they could sleep. :) Justee woke up at 5 am to find her kitty and she was super excited. I woke up to her screaming excitedly, "Kitty! Kitty! Momma, kitty here!" She played with him for about an hour and then came into my bed and fell back asleep. When it was finally time to wake Syd up for school Charlee was even more excited, "Mom he has stripes! It really is Cash!" I guess he just looked black to her in the dark and she must not have been convinced it was her cat snuggling with her.

Sydnee had to rush off to school, but Char and Justee haven't left that poor cat alone. I think he really enjoys the attention though. Char told me that she is so happy that Cash is home, that she doesn't ever want to put him down. He seems very excited to be home. We are happy to have him back as well...but jeez, couldn't he have picked a better time to make his appearance? I think I need a nap today. ;)


Vicki said...

Hooray! I am so glad he is back-- makes you wonder what he has been up to for a whole month. Maybe it is time to take him to the vet :)

Peggy Fowler said...

Ha! You had better take a nap...don't you play VB tonight?? You can't let the team down!!

KrIStiN said...

yay for cash!! i cant believe he made it home!

Lauren said...

Glad that he made it home. We used to have lots of those experiences with our Leeroi. We got him when we lived in Laramie. When we moved to Greeley, we would bring him with us to Laramie on our visits. Well, he found our OLD aparment on a couple of visits after being gone. Also, when I was prego with Gracee, he got lost in Laramie. We found him after 5 days. It was such a sweet reunion. Pets are a part of the family regardless of what people say. :)

Greg Becky said...

Awesome. My cat was gone for about two months when we moved to my mom's and then down the street. It's fun when they return.

Carola said...

I wonder where Cash has been. I am glad he came home.

Chelsea Tippetts said...

That cat is my hero! He just kicked it for a month? That is one self-sustaining kitty!

Abbey Chase said...

Aaaaarrrggghhh! While I'm excited for you that your sweet little Cash is back, I've had that stupid cat song stuck in my head all night!

The Edwards said...

Awww, so glad he made it home. Love the reunion pics with your girls, he looks happy to be home. I have to say, I really think you are amazing. I'm not sure how you do it without your hubby, but you do an amazing job. I can't believe all you accomplish. Justee's room looks super cute and your garden looks awesome...and your idea with the bedtime stories melted my heart. We appreciate your families' willingness to sacrifice for our country. THANK YOU!