Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Fun Weekend

We had a really good weekend with Rob and Jennifer. The kids all played really good together, which is a huge plus. We did some shopping and a lot of game playing. We played our all-time favorite, Pictionary and we played some Guitar Hero and some Rock Band. We had to look absolutely ridiculous, but it was a lot of fun. The kids loved to watch, and they played the toy drums and held a toy microphone and pretended to play with us.
It was also the YW basketball tournament on Friday and Saturday. I help coach the team so I was excited that the girls played great and won the championship game! It was a lot of fun to get to participate in that.
Before I started my blog, I filled my journal with funny things the girls said or did. I thought I would remember those things, but quickly realized that I didn't remember for long; so I started writing them down. ... Last night Charlee wanted a Hot Tamale. I told her that they were hot and she might not like it. She told me they wouldn't be hot to her. She began eating one and after about 3 min. she was halfway done. I asked her if it was too hot and she said no. Then I noticed she was blowing on it inbetween bites to cool it off. I thought it was pretty funny that she thought blowing on it would help. She is a pretty cute girl.
Justin signed up to feed the missionaries tonight, but he is going to be gone. Jared is gone too, so Cherelle is going to come over and help me cook dinner for them.