Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bring Back the Gas!

I had a dentist appointment tonight and I really, truly hate going to the dentist. I have been to the dentist twice in the past 7 years. The last time I had to go because of a severe tooth ache that ended up needing a root canal. When I was a kid I loved going to the dentist. I loved it when they would gas me up because I felt like my body was twisting and floating and the walls were closing in on me. (It's a good thing I never experimented) I want the gas back. I would much rather go if I was relaxed. I get so tense and nervous that my whole body aches. I never really feel pain, but it is the prospect of pain that gets me going. I'm waiting for the sudden burst of pain and can't relax. I also hate it because I feel like an idiot with my mouth wide open and I am so aware of my tongue. I feel like it is in the way and I can't put it in the right place. I am also way more aware of how many times I swallow. It is so strange how you have to swallow and it can't wait. I always feel like I shouldn't swallow so I try to wait but then I can't help it. I went in for 2 cavities on wisdom teeth and to get fitted for a cap to go on the previous root canal. It was supposed to take an hour and a half, but because they had to take my impressions 3 times and repack that cord thing in my gums everytime, it took 2 and a half hours! That was way too long and I want to reiterate that I hate going to the dentist.


nina said...

That's such a funny story. I feel the exact same way. When you were talking about your tongue being in the way it made me laugh because I had the same thought when I was at the dentist.