Sunday, August 9, 2009

Two-Hundred Ninety-Eight

We just put this star on our flag!!! 67 days left.
Justin's homecoming is getting closer and closer (just not close enough yet.) It is definitely beginning to seem real. Wyoming's 2nd rotation have mobilized and they will soon be heading to Afghanistan to replace the men there now. As their year begins, Justin's year is winding down. I am sooooo glad I am on the ending part and not the beginning. Soon our lives will be back to normal and we can move on.
I have been careful not to call myself a "single mom" or even say I am living like a single mom these past 10 months. I guess I feel like that isn't fair to Justin. Although I have had to take care of all the girls' immediate needs, I haven't really had to do it alone. Justin still "gets" to listen to my complaints and I get to hear his advice and words of comfort. It is much harder with Justin away...but he is still there. I have days where I don't get to talk to him, and it is hard not having him right at my fingertips to talk to whenever I want...but I still get to talk to him. So, I guess I have it a lot easier than all the moms out there who have lost their husbands for one reason or another. I am grateful for the support Justin shows to me even while he is so far away and dealing with lots of hard issues of his own. I have never felt like I am a single mother thanks to him.


Vicki said...

That is so nice to read...
Justin you are awesome

KrIStiN said...

What a nice post..u are so lucky to have such a great husband..i feel like a single mom and my husband is here!

Stacey said...

Teri, that is a great post. You are blessed to have contact with Justin, that is true. The girls are blessed to have such an amazing and strong mommy, too! I am so happy for you that the time is coming to an end!

Justin said...

I am so thankful to have a wonderful wife and mother at home to take care of everything while I am away. Our family is so blessed because of the things that you do and the person you are. Thanks Lover! Love Your Man