Friday, August 7, 2009

Lots of Company

This week was a pretty eventful one. My parents came and spent a couple of days with us...well my Dad spent the nights, but he had meetings during the day. Charlee kept telling me that Grandpa was here just a teeny. ;)
I caught Syd and Char waiting like this for them to get here. They were very excited.

Once they pulled up, Justee started jumping up and down and waving.

They got here on a Tuesday evening and were headed home on Thursday afternoon. It was nice to have them for any length of time.
My parent's quick trip was interrupted by an unfortunate mishap...
I was hosting the YW activity Wed. night, and during the hustle and bustle to get things ready, I stupidly closed the garage door on the back window of my expedition. I didn't even notice and it wouldn't have been a problem if I wouldn't have opened the garage door...the garage door caught on the glass and pulled it up and got caught. My poor window exploded into a million pieces of shattered glass. Thankfully my mom was there to help me clean it up. Long story short- $230 later I have a brand new window. I can think of lots of things I would have liked to spend that money on besides a stupid window. Oh well, that's what I get for being so careless.
The activity was a lot of fun though. I set up an obstacle course in my backyard and the girls took turns getting through it. I had fun snapping pictures.

Sydnee and Charlee had a blast hanging out with the "big girls." They got to get in on the action too.

After the obstacle was over, it turned into a big water fight. Poor sister Warren was being sacrificed to the Water Gods..She put up a good fight though:

I was next on the girls list, but luckily there is no evidence of that. ;)
Sister Reynolds even had her turn:
It is scary how fast those sweet girls turn on you.
After the water fun, we had a fire and enjoyed some smores for refreshments. It was a fun night (minus the glass explosion.)


Vicki said...

No pics of mom and Dad?
I love the ones of the girls waiting.
Sorry about your window... that stinks.

Stacey said...

I always do careless things with our vehicles in garages...ugh!! Sorry that happened. The picts of your girls waiting are adorable!! Looks like your activity was a success. Glad you had a good week.