Thursday, August 27, 2009


So my sister and her fam (minus oldest daughter Journee who we all missed) came and stayed with me for a few days. It was nice to have some company. Especially nice to have the kind of company you can watch all your stupid shows with and then discuss them afterwards...I miss not being able to do that with Justin. My girls had a blast playing with their cousins and I was sad to see them all go this morning.
I can't believe I didn't take a single picture while they were here.

Now for tonight's breakdowns:
All the hard playing wore Chuck out, I think...Charlee was very tired and extra sensitive tonight. She was getting into her pajamas and after getting completely naked, realized she wanted something out of the car. I told her to go get it (not realizing she would go into the garage and open the garage door while she remained buck naked.) After she came back in she looked very sad. I asked her what was wrong, and she bust into very sad tears, "Sydnee la-a-au-ughed at meeeeeee because I went outside n-na-a-nakeddddddd." I couldn't help but smile as Sydnee gave her a hug and said, "I'm sorry Charlee."

Justee was playing with a few plastic Easter eggs. Apparently Cash thought they looked like fun and wanted to play too. He pounced on one and chased it as it rolled away. Justee was not in the mood to share and started crying and screaming, "No! No kitty! That's my egg! Mommy, kitty took my egg away and I had it first! Give me it baaaaack!" Even after the cat decided that the egg wasn't worth all that, Justee continued to declare her disgust with Cash's actions for several minutes.


Kristin said...

Oh fun! :) Got to love those meltdowns! Blynn has had several already now that school has started! Fun adjustment!! :) Too funny!

Niccole said...

My kids are all on the verge of meltdowns at any second - and over some of the silliest stuff! Guess they're all just feeling the "change" right now. Won't be TOO much longer and we will have Daddies home to help - yahoo!!

Stacey said...

Gotta love nights like that! Hope today is much better for you!!

Justin said...

Poor Chuck, I'm glad Syd was quick to apologize. That is too cute. I'm glad the cat isn't just teasing Justee on purpose there is enough of that I am sure. Can't wait to get home and start watching our shows! LOL