Friday, February 22, 2008

Phew! (or however you spell a sigh of relief)

This is my third and final post of the day. After a day of worrying and frustration, we finally got our video camera back. The rec. center had it all along. When the security guy finally looked at the footage...(How does it take all day to look at 5 min. of footage? Don't these people care that I have my camera back for my daughter's first birthday? I guess it is only important to me.) Anyway, after the rec. center told us that they didn't have it and we would have to file a police report in order for them to look at their surveillance, and after Justin filed a police report (and most importantly worried all day about how mad I would be at him if we didn't get all our stuff back), and after they finally checked the footage; they saw that one of their employees picked up the camera bag right from under Justin's nose and thought it was one of the rec's camera bags. So it was sitting in the security room, right next to the guy watching the security tapes. My first reaction is to be mad and wonder how the heck they didn't realize what they were doing, but I am just glad that we got it back. I am also glad to report that Justin even told me how proud he was of me and how I handled the whole situation. I am glad that I didn't blow up at him, although I did say a few not-so-nice things, but I did way better than I have in the past. It wouldn't have changed anything or made either of us feel better, so hopefully I can learn from this experience and be...well, nicer when things like this happen...and hopefully Justin will never leave something so valuable behind again. ;)