There is a pretty neat outdoor pool here in Loveland that we enjoyed today for the first time. Cherelle brought her 3 youngest boys and I had my 3 girls. Sydnee and Quinn had a really good time going down the slide over and over. (Sydnee just had a lot of fun hanging out with Quinn.;)
Sydnee going down:
Here goes Quinn:The rest of us pretty much hung out in the kiddie pool. Justee loved crawling around in the water and Jace liked following her and giving her a little boost.
Charlee was not in the picture taking mood. Every time I tried to get a picture of her, she ran away.It was a lot of fun and we definitely have to go back again. Now we just have to get ready for Syd's t-ball game tonight and then Justin's softball game.
My SIL rented out the whole pool on June 28 for my neices' bday party, and we had a BLAST! Glad to see you guys got out and had fun too!
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