Thursday, May 15, 2008

Something I Remembered

First I have to say how happy I am that it is David v. David on American Idol. I have wanted Syesha to go for a while now. The Davids have been my favorite from the beginning, so I am happy. I think I like Cook a little better, but I really don't care who wins.
I had hoped that my next post would hold a picture of the play set completed, but it is still not done. Justin has had a busy week and has just had an hour here and an hour there to work on it. It is sooooo close though, it just needs the monkey bars attached. (That requires a 16'' hole to be dug, which is why it is not done yet.) Anyway...last night I went to a little graduation party for the seniors for mutual. The parents were telling stories about them, and a story about a bee made me remember this story about Sydnee: We were living in our house in Laramie and it was right around the time Charlee was born. Sydnee was standing at the screen door when she started crying. When I got to her I realized that a bee had stung her. I was comforting her and putting ice on the sting; I made a comment to the effect of, "That bad bee!" Sydnee, still crying from the pain, pointed at me and scolded, "Mom, you be nice to the bee!" It really made my heart melt. What a true example of being Christ-like.

This is Sydnee with Charlee at the hospital. This is about the time of the story.


Vicki said...

I hope David Cook wins... Archuleta is a little too dorky for me... He is a likable one though... I always feel for him when he comes on stage and has to talk, or heaven forbid answer a question ... he seems so awkward, with his nervous little laugh... I definitely like his voice, just not as well as David Cook's.
Not that you cared... but just thought I'd tell you :)
AND... I think 3 redheads, make the most red in the family!