Thursday, January 21, 2010


My Grandpa Putnam was a great man. He always made me and my family feel welcome immediately when we arrived to visit. I always felt a little sad that we lived so far away from both sets of my grandparents, when so many of my cousins lived basically next door, but they always made me feel loved none-the-less. I remember Justin hitting it off with him pretty quick by asking about his time in the Navy during WWII(he was a bottom turret gunner on a plane...not sure on all the official names...I better look into that) and looking through his "brag book" (pics of all the big fish he caught.)

Charlee with her Great Grandparents:

My Grandpa was known for his story-telling abilities. I like to think my mom inherited that talent from him...she always told us stories that her dad told her. Sydnee was lucky enough to get a front row seat to a story session a few years ago. Here he is telling Syd and Natasha Three Billy Goats Gruff. I have it on video somewhere and I tried to track it down, but couldn't find it.
Sydnee with her Great Grandparents:
We spent Sydnee's 6th birthday in Star Valley for a family reunion.
That was the last time I saw my Grandfather.
Tomorrow we head back to the Valley to say our final goodbyes to him. He passed away yesterday in the company of his wonderful wife, my mom, and a couple of his sons.
He has left behind quite the legacy...He had 7 daughters and 3 sons...50 grandchildren...and 69 great grandchildren! (I should check on those numbers for sure, because I bet my Grandmother knows, they always remember all of them on their birthdays and send a card with a Love Dollar.) I have lots of fond memories of my Grandpa and I know my family will miss him, but I am calmed by the thought that my niece Jada will be reunited with another family member.


Tracy said...

Sorry to hear about your Grandpa. Your Mom had said he wasn't doing well!! Grandpa's are the best and I'm sure you're going to miss him!!

Stacey said...

I am sorry for your loss. I just lost my grandmother in October, I feel your pain. It looks like he was a great man and had a lot of love! Take comfort in the memories. Hugs to you!!

Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

So sorry for your loss. I wish grandpa and grandma's would last forever. Travel safe!

ozzmom said...

So sorry for your loss I bet you will miss him but then it is always fun to talk of all the memories everyone had of him on holidays.

nina said...

Those are the sweetest pictures, your girls will love having them to remember their grandparents.

Brenda said...

What a loving, sweet post Teri! I'm glad to have been able to hear a little more about him.