Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 Begins

This is the year that will mark my 10 year class reunion (which I unfortunately will miss due to a trip to Japan) and my 10th wedding anniversary. This year has a lot of big things in here's to a great 2010!

We started the year off right, with a great New Year's Eve party. We had tons of food (unfortunately I am carrying around proof of how much I ate.) We had most the kids with a babysitter, but had to keep the youngest ones with us (can't throw 9 kids at a single babysitter.) We played some games that turned out to be hilarious. I laughed so hard my face hurt. I think a couple of the men were far too good of artists...there are a few images that are forever etched into my brain.

Rob and Jennifer came down for the weekend and Rob helped Justin with some drywall in the basement (next time they come, the accommodations should be much better.) It was nice having them here for the help and their company.
Renae came up for the party, but Keith had to work.
The party ended around 2 am and our girls were all awake except the Chuck. I think she lasted until 1. Justin and I made it to bed around 4.
Thanks for a great time everyone!
On New Year's Day Shane and his son Cohen joined us for dinner. We had MORE great rib, shrimp, and some pork ribs. Rob's daughter Hailee, Syd, Cohen, and Chuck.


Kalli said...

10 years frills?

Crazy Man!

Happy New Year!

Stacey said...

Japan?? How cool is that!! Looks like a great time! Happy New Year!

nina said...

Wow, that looks like so much fun. We were just driving on New Years, not much of a party for us ;)