Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sweet Sentiments

The girls and I were running errands yesterday...while we were in the store, Syd saw all the Halloween stuff and she got really excited, "I wish tomorrow was Halloween!" she said.
Then she thought for a second. (We have talked about the sequence of events coming up a lot lately: Daddy gets home, then Disney World, then Halloween.)
"Wait, I mean I wish Daddy was coming home tomorrow!....No! I wish Daddy was coming home TODAY!....That would be awesome huh, mom?"
"Yes, that would be pretty awesome."
I guess while she was day dreaming of "awesome" things, she decided to go all out, "You know what I wish, mom?" she said.
"What?" I asked.
"I wish Daddy never had to go to the war."
"Me too. That would be nice."
"And I wish that Daddy never had to work ever again. That way we could be together as a family all the time."
Sydnee has always been a Daddy's girl. I can't wait to see how happy the girls are when he gets home.

As Syd was walking out the door to go to the bus stop this morning, everyone was saying their goodbyes and I love yous. Char yelled out to Syd as she was walking down the driveway, "I love you all day, Sydnee!"

Justee has been loving the play makeup lately. Today she was begging me to let her play with it. I was trying to hold her off by saying, "later" and "in a minute." She started getting upset and said, "But my eyes not pretty! I need to make my eyes pretty, right nowwww!"
So I gave her the makeup and told her to just use a little.
...I guess this is what she thinks is a little...she's going for the natural look:


Tracy said...

CUTE pictures!! Love that you recorded all of those "sweet sentiments"!! Some day when you're old and forgetful, you'll be glad you recorded them too! ;-)

Stacey said...

Beautiful eyes, Justee!! Great post, Teri. YOu will love looking back on these sweet sentiments!

Vicki said...

Glad Syd decided not to skip over the Disney World Trip :)