Thursday, September 17, 2009

Justin's bday...and stuff

Since I couldn't send Justin a cake for his birthday, I sent him a big rice krispie treat and a candle. Here are a couple pics he sent me the other day. Johnny and Shane (aka Mickey) got in the pics with him.

Today was Sydnee's school picture day. I didn't have time to get any pics of her before school, so I snapped a couple of her after school...eating a pop tart. She said the picture guy was funny because he called her twinkle toes. :)

Charlee and Justee got to talk to their Daddy on the phone today. They were both pretty cute about the whole thing. I love seeing the big smiles on their faces when they hear his voice. Justin asked Charlee if the flag was filling up. Her response was "yes."
"What does that mean?" he asked.
"It means you are coming home soon!"
You can feel the excitement in the air. ;)
Not long after we got off the phone, and I started sewing (I am sewing some puzzle bags for can see the first 12 I finished today behind Sydnee in the pics above) Char and Justee started fighting. Char didn't want Justee to sit by her so Justee was pushing Char off the chair and that kind of stuff. I told them several times to knock it off. Finally I told them to both get off the chair or they were going to be in big trouble. Justee put her bottom lip out and told me forcefully, "But I am just a little baby, mom! I am just a little baby!"
When I cracked a smile, she started to smile too and then quickly went back to her angry face.


Stacey said...

Syd is getting so grown up! What a pretty young lady! I am so happy for you that this year is coming to a close!!

Vicki said...

Nice to see all your hard work hanging behind Syd... Looks like Justin was blowing pretty hard to get that one candle out :)

Greg Becky said...

Oh how much we love those little girls. It's just crazy that Ju will be home so soon. AWESOME!!