Thursday, September 3, 2009

Jada's Balloons

My sister, Ashlee, invited us to participate in their tradition of letting balloons go for Jada's birthday...Jada would be 12 today, so we sent 12 balloons to Heaven along with a card containing messages from us.

You can barely see the balloons as they became dots in the sky.

We love and miss Jada very much. She brought a lot of happiness and laughter into this World, but I am sure she is and will always be providing those things throughout the eternities.


Stacey said...

Sweet post, Teri. You are a wonderful lady!

Lindsay said...

Oh man Teri, make me cry. What a special tradition to be able to do.

Jill Asay said...

THis is such a neat tradition! Love your girl's messages in the card!