This will be my last post about the the things we did while Justin was home for R&R.
After Sydnee's B-day party, we headed up to Lovell to visit family. Justin's brother Steven has a two-seater bicycle, and we get a kick out of taking it for a spin...Syd and Char even got in on the action this time. I don't think Chuck could see much through her hair.
Justin got to go golfing with my Dad on his birthday and my bro Rob and bro-in-law Jake. Justin had a lot of fun...even if the only person he beat was Jake. :)
Justin's dad was nice enough to take us all fishing one day too. We went for the purpose of the girls having fun. We went to an easy in easy out spot and fished for about an hour and a half. Our niece Sienna and Aletha came along too. All the girls got to catch a fish, but we didn't keep any of them...they were all carp except for one tiny sun fish that Char caught.
Can you believe there is a fish in that mess? We kept thinking she lost the fish because we couldn't even see it as she was reeling it in.
She sure was proud of her catch though.
Justee and Sienna wanted to "hold" the fish too. When we presented the offer to hold the actual fish, they all passed.
We got up early the next morning because Justin decided he wanted to run in the Byron Days Fun Run. Char and Syd heard us talking about it and wanted to run again too. We ran the 5k and the girls ran the mile. My sister Ashlee was kind enough to keep Justee for me and my mom ran with Charlee again...Syd ran up ahead of them. I was worried that Justin would beat me, but I ended up beating him by a couple of mins. We both won our age groups though, and Sydnee only missed winning hers by like 7 secs or something...she would have ran faster if she wasn't running alone I'm sure.
Once we made it back home, we were very busy...we went to the girls' Tball/baseball games and Tae Kwon Do classes, Water World, Justin and I had our night out to dinner and a movie, had some friends over who made us some authentic sushi, and then it was time to say good bye again. I really miss Justin and his help around the house. He sure makes things a lot more fun, so it seems dull around here. Can't wait to get him back!
Wow -- I didn't believe there was a fish in there either. It seems like you should have more pics... and that this shouldn't be the last RR one already!?
You crammed a ton in for 15 days!! I hope the next 3 months fly by! I love the mess with the fish stuck in it!! Too cute!
Jayson and I took the two seater for a spin while we were in Lovell too! It is a fun bike.
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