Friday, July 17, 2009

Came and Went

Wow, the last couple of weeks flew by, just like I knew they would. We had a great time though, and I am so glad Justin was able to come home for those 15 days.
We took Justin to the airport first thing this morning. Some say this second goodbye is the hardest, but it felt a little easier to me knowing that he only has 3 months left and then this year long deployment is over (not like saying goodbye when it was just getting started.) It will be wonderful to have him home for good and know that we don't have to cram as much as we can into one day in order to get everything done we want; we will be able to go to bed at night knowing that he will be there again in the morning.
Once the girls and I got home, Justee asked me, "Where did Daddy go?" They will miss him...I think they remembered how much fun it is to have Daddy home.

I have lots of things to post, but I am a little disappointed that I didn't get any family pics or pics of Justin and I...I had planned to, but something else always seemed to be pressing. I guess we will do that when he is home for good.


Brenda said...

It was great to see you guys and remember how great you two look together. I hope that the next three months will fly by!

Carola said...

It was so much fun having your whole family here with us for a few days. I am looking forward to having you all together again in 3 months.

Tracy said...

Hang tough!!! You're an amazingly strong woman!! WOW!! all I have to say! By the way, you and Justin both looked great!! :-)

KrIStiN said...

glad he got to come and visit for a bit...Hopefully the next three months fly by like crazy!!! Hope you guys had fun while he was here!!

Stacey said...

AS you know Tony and I think the world of you both...I hope you had a wonderful time and the next 3 months fly by! YOu are such an inspiration to all women. Hang in there!

Brook said...

Hang in there! I hope this goes buy fast for you! I was thinking about you and your fam while he was home-and was hoping it was all great and it sounds like it was. I agree with Stacy- you are an inspiration to all women! :)