Monday, October 19, 2009

In the News...

Here is a link to the newscast about the homecoming:
It starts a little bit into the program. Sydnee was excited because she was interviewed...she sums up the whole thing right at the end. It was pretty funny because she was asked 4 or 5 questions but never said much. She was acting pretty shy. The "meat" of her answers is what you get to hear. :)


Greg Becky said...

It was way cute. Fun to see you guys on there. Way AWESOME that Ju's home. Very happy for you!

Bagleys said...

Umm that's pretty dang cute! Something you can look at later! :) I'm glad he's home safe and sound!

ozzmom said...

How Awesome so glad he is home.

The Edwards said...

We are so happy to hear you are all back together once again. You are amazing...I am not sure how you did it, but you are an incredible mother!...and thanks to Justin for his service!

Brook said...

I am so happy for you and your fam!!! It's great to have your hubby back I am sure! I love it when Keith comes home from hunting for 10 day...I can't imagine!:) ENJOY!