Tuesday, October 19, 2010

1 year down

There was an amazing sunset last week. I noticed it in my rear view mirror as I was driving to mutual. I wished I had my camera, but I called Justin to take a picture. This is what he got...doesn't do it justice, but it is still beautiful. The best thing about this sunset is that this isn't even half of it...it was the farthest stretching sunset I've seen in a long time.

This past year has gone by so fast (marking it from Oct 14, 2009.) It seems crazy to think that Justin has been home for a year now. Wow, that year flew compared to the year before it. Time is such a funny thing...some things seem like forever ago, and at the same time just yesterday.

We had a great weekend starting with an 8 am soccer game for Sydnee. After that game, Justin and I headed to Laramie with Renae to go to the WY game. We caught a movie afterwards and laughed a lot. It is always a good time with Renae and her shenanigans. Between her and Justin, I am surprised I don't die of embarrassment.

The Primary program was on Sun. and Syd and Chuck did their parts wonderfully. Chuck had her part memorized and clearly said, "Jesus Christ is the son of God." Sydnee did another girl's part who was absent and then she gave a talk about her baptism. It was funny to hear her take a deep breath and let it out before she began. She wrote some great things in her journal right after her baptism and most of her talk came straight from that. She seemed so grown up up there.

I also wanted to mention that a family in our Ward is going through a rough time right now...their son has been diagnosed with cancer. There have been a couple websites started in his behalf. One in particular to raise money for the family. It is an auction where you can bid on various things and the money goes to Kevin. http://auction4kevind.blogspot.com/ There aren't a ton of items on there just yet, but there will be more coming. By going to this blog, you can be directed to Kevin's personal blog where you can read more about his situation.


Vicki said...

I was just flipping through pictures of last October and saw the ones of Justin when he came through here... I thought wow... has it already been a year? Definitely faster with him around.

That is cool of you to donate a photo shoot. I saw some random hits on our statcounter and followed them earlier to see what was up.