Friday, April 30, 2010

Cardboard and Corduroy

There's nothing like playing with a nice big box.

It's fun to color on and hide in, but most importantly it makes a great home for my girls' "babies" (i.e. every stuffed animal in the house...they have all had their turn.)Justin and I were discussing how many sets of furniture we remember having growing up compared to how many we have had since being married. My parents still have furniture that they got shortly after being married...given it has had a complete makeover thanks to Vicki and I, but still. The point- It seems like things like furniture just don't last as long as they used to...or we just don't make them last.
Due to the new need of a couch in the basement, we had to get new furniture for our living room. The girls love spinning on the round swivel chair. After the last fiasco of a couch we bought, I HATE that stupid thing and Justin won't let me forget that I picked it out, we decided to be more careful with our choice this time. So far so good.


Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

My mom still has her same living room furniture too. I think it was made better back than, so it lasts longer. Or, she just isn't as vain as I am;) We get new furniture all the time too....that is my favorite kind of shopping.
The girls look like they are having a long will you let them keep it;)

Stacey said...

My parents still have their same furniture as well, I agree that it doesn't last as long.
Is the box staying as part of your new furniture? Or will you move it into one of their rooms?? Boxes are the BEST!

Vicki said...

That is an awesome box... can't wait to see the tv that came in it.
I love that round chair!