Thursday, May 6, 2010

Life isn't Fair

It is that time of year again...countdown time for the Bolder Boulder.
Staying in running shape is hard I tell you...hard. After the race last year I told myself I would stay in a good 5 mile run running 5 miles would stay pretty easy.
Five miles is NOT easy. Four miles is NOT easy.
It is not fair that it takes you weeks to get into good shape and less than a week to get out of it.

On a positive is nice enough to be running outside again. Given the choice between a treadmill and an open country road, I will take the road (almost) every time.
It is nice to breathe in some fresh air instead of stale gym is nice to breathe as loud as you want without listening to people around you breathing obnoxiously get to see your progress in actual distances (nothing is as nice as hitting a turn around point and know you are headed for home.) A downside to outdoor running is the don't notice it as it helps you slightly in the form of a tailwind, but you sure notice it as it hits you in the face and blows insects into your eyes.
Hooray for running! or not...It really isn't much fun at all.


Carola said...

I miss it! You describe running well. And I still miss it.
Hope someday to be able to do it again for real.

Stacey said...

Good for you, Teri! When is the Bolder Boulder? Nothing beats being outside in the Rocky Mts in the Spring!!

Michelle Thompson said...

I hear you! I have been running and can't get past 2 miles and a few days off and I am dying. I wish there was a secret cuz I want to do more!