Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dirty Secrets

Ya know...I would be ok with waking up to snow on May 12, if the snow had the decency to completely melt away by the end of the day. It is still freezing and I am being stubborn and not turning the heat back on. It's like I think I can store the coolness of the house for when it gets hotter outside.
This weather has caused me to notice a few areas that I seem to "overlook" when I clean my house. All you neat-freaks better not judge me...I'm going to be open and honest...not that you wouldn't notice if you came to my house and looked in these areas.

1. The Oven- I have NEVER cleaned the inside of my oven (except when moving.) I just don't see the point's not like it gets used that much anyway. ;)
2. The Microwave- Similar to #1 the microwave gets cleaned only when my Mother visits. She hates a dirty microwave and always cleans mine when she is here. I can't start cleaning it now because she might suffer from shock if she came to visit and it was clean. I do, however, keep the outside of it wiped clean.
3. The Vents- Now this is one that I want to tackle, but just can't make myself reach into those dark holes, even with a vacuum...who knows what is down in those? (Seems strange to end that phrase with a ?, it is not like you are really looking for an answer.) I have even considered hiring a company to clean them, but that seems scary too...I don't want to know what is in those, I definitely don't want someone else to know what is in them. Justee used to put everything down the vents...I even caught her with the cover off and she was directing Cash down it when he was a kitten. It was a little tricky getting him to back out.
4. The Windows- The only windows I have ever cleaned are technically not windows but doors. Our glass doors to the backyard get filthy with grubby hand prints and such. I clean those every once in a while. The worst part are the blinds that cover the doors...they are just as filthy but a little harder to clean...I really need to put those on my list.

That is all...everything else is completely spotless...yeah, let's just leave it at that.


Abbey Chase said...

This totally made my day!

I was thinking the other night that my oven really needs to be cleaned (I was cooking dinner and Larry said it smelled like something I cooked a few weeks ago...that spilled all over the bottom). I haven't ever cleaned it and we've lived here 5+ years.

I actually clean my microwave every so often, so it's not too bad.

I'm totally with you on the vents! Christian sticks stuff down there all the time and they freak me out.

And I was tempted to wash the windows recently but then saw that the YW are doing this for a camp fund-raiser in June and figured I'd wait and get my money's worth! ;)

Carola said...

Don't you have a self-cleaning oven?

Stacey said...

You are too funny!

Ranee` said...

I don't clean any of those things either, if it makes you feel better. And I am SUPER afraid of the vents...I am convinced that some small beast will probably bite my hand off if I try, so why bother. :)