Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 3

Hollywood Studios... (once known as MGM Studios...:)

I really like Hollywood Studios. It has the Tower of Terror and the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster...BUT... now it has the Toy Story ride! We all LOVED this ride. It was so cool. You get to wear 3D glasses and shoot at fun targets! One time you are shooting darts at balloons, then you are tossing rings, breaking plates and lots of other stuff too. It was so much fun! It was also the longest line we ever came across I do believe, but it was worth it. We were able to ride it twice, but I could have done it over and over.
**I forgot to mention that on Day 1, we came to Hollywood Studios after the Magic Kingdom closed early for a Halloween party. We thought it would be fun to ride the Tower of Terror at night. I told the girls that if they were tall enough to ride something, then they had to try it...but I ended up deciding not to make Charlee ride it even though she was tall enough. Sydnee, Tasha, Tamsyn, Vicki, Jake and I all got in line. Justin stayed with the 3 youngest ones. After the ride was over, Sydnee and Tasha opted out of riding a second time, but surprisingly Tamsyn wanted to go again. So she went with Jake, Justin and me for a 2nd time. **
I think our first ride on day 3 was the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster. Sydnee loved it and went on it several times. I opted to not put Char on this one either, because you are so isolated in your seat...she always likes to hang on to you so tight, and in this ride you can't even see who you are sitting next to...I thought it would freak her out too much.
We got in some character pics...
JoJo and Goliath:

...and got to watch a Playhouse Disney show. ...I think Jake is more into it than the kids. ;)

In the afternoon, the little ones needed naps, so Justin and Jake took the 4 and 2 year olds back to the hotel. Vicki and I took Syd and Tasha back to the Magic Kingdom. We were able to fit in 2 rides (Splash Mountain, and Thunder Mountain) before we were supposed to meet up with the guys for dinner.

After dinner we went to the hotel and took the kids swimming.


Lundberg Family said...

Looks like you had a great time! How fun that your sister and her family could go too! Where did you guys stay? Someday I would love to take our family there! It makes me so excited just seeing your photos!

Stacey said...

We love Hollywood Studios, too. How nice you could split up and have an adult to hang out with as well. I love that picture of you and Justin.

nina said...

I love Disney World, now your really make me want to go back. Great pictures!