Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Days like this...

When every word is said with a whiny tone, girls feel the need to tattle about the tiniest things, and the fighting never ends....it makes you wish for the days like this:

Sisters helping sisters.
Creative children making upside-down snow angels.
Giggles and laughter.
Girls playing well together.
Sisters complimenting each other on their throws. :)

Happy cooperation in building something.
A lazy dog enjoying a cozy fire...oh wait, that happens every day.
This snow came to us mid-Nov. and I think it is about time we get some more.
*Syd did most of the work on the snowman, but she is left out of the pics because she was in school. :(


Vicki said...

I need some days like that... I keep telling T & T that all I want for my birthday is for them to not fight and stop whining... but so far it is not working.

Carola said...

Fun pictures and fun times to remember for sure. (Charlee in a skirt building a snowman, eh?

nina said...

Oh my gosh! So glad my girls aren't the only ones that fight and whine like that. They are good for like 3/4's of the day, but for the other 1/4 I about flip my lid!

"DoN't LeArN cOz D3N U ll nOt L!v3 FuLlY." said...

really...fun which sisters have...can't b compared with the brother's....really nyc...god bless u all...