Monday, May 17, 2010

Recent Adventures

Justin told Sydnee when her bedroom was finished, she could have her first slumber party. She was excited about the prospect of this party for finally happened last week.
She invited 3 friends in order to keep the number at 4 so it would be easy to play the wii (and easier for my sanity.) The girls decorated t-shirts, made their own pizzas, played wii, screamed and giggled, played a fun version of Let's Make a Deal, and of course stayed up late (3 a.m.) I think they all had a lot of fun. I know it was fun for me to hear them say things like, "This party is like a dream come true." The following day, Sydnee had a soccer game. It has been fun watching her improve throughout the season. She has done pretty well for her first real season. It seems like she could run forever and unlike other girls on her team, she never asks to sit out. We just wish she would be a little more aggressive.

Sydnee has been asking me to make caramel popcorn lately. I didn't have an air popper, so I finally got one and decided to make some. A perfect treat for a movie night with my girls while Daddy was away for Drill. The girls thought the popping of the corn was hilarious. They were squealing and laughing so hard....then Sydnee said the lid was lifting off and the shrieks got louder...apparently I need to add a little less popcorn than recommended. But the final product was amazing.


Vicki said...

I am still so not ready for slumber parties...

I think you need to make caramel popcorn when you come to our house... and also that apple snickers salad I haven't had the privilege of trying yet.

Chelsea Tippetts said...

Apple Snickers Salad!? That sounds like something I could get on board with :)
Cute family pics! You guys look great!

Stacey said...

The 1st sleep over....!!! YOu sirvived...her eis to many more. You are a great mommy!