Thursday, March 4, 2010

"Mermaid off the port bow!"...

...every time I saw the words port or bow or stern...lines from the Little Mermaid popped in my head. "Kiss the Girl" was our theme song for this trip.

This post has seemed impossible to just isn't possible to put into words all the fun we had (making fun of each other. ;)

Before I tell about our fabulous adventure to the Bahamas, I have to acknowledge my wonderful husband who not only "let" me go on this girl's trip, but came up with the idea and did most of the early planning. It is nice to know I have an understanding husband who is willing to make sacrifices to see me happy.

Renae, Dana and I headed to Miami last Sun. We stayed in a dumpy hotel in South Beach where the 3 of us shared a "queen-sized" bed (no way was it a queen, more like a full)...needless to say, I slept half in the bed, half on the nightstand.

We passed the time Mon. morning doing a little shopping...we bought some sweatshirts and such being that we packed for warm weather and we weren't experiencing any yet. The wind on the beach was ridiculous.

Once we boarded our ship, "Majesty of the Seas," we found our way to our room at the bottom of the ship. None of us were completely prepared for the tight quarters...We were laughing so hard at how tiny it least we had our own beds! :) ...even if I froze the first night sleeping inches away from the AC.

The first night we met our dinner company (we had to share a dinner table with 3 strangers.) They weren't the most friendly of women, but they warmed up to us by night 3...they had no choice we (and by "we" I mean Dana and Renae) were going to talk to them whether they liked it or not.
The ship set sail right during dinner and the motion wasn't a welcome feeling. Luckily none of us got sick (Renae felt a little queasy, but some bromine took care of that) but some other lady wasn't so lucky...let's just say we saw the results of her illness and it wasn't pleasant.
Our first stop was Nassau. This is where we learned not to touch anything unless you wanted to be surrounded by women asking if you wanted to buy it. "You like, pretty lady? You want to buy? It is on sale today!"
They even trained their kids to try flattery to sell things...8-10 year old girl says, "Our price is usually $12, but for you because you are so beautiful, $6."
I experienced a first while in Nassau...I went snorkeling (if you can call walking around in waste deep water, sticking your head under the water, taking a few quick deep breaths, and standing back up a handful of times snorkeling.) I am not a fan of water and drowning is probably my biggest fear...but since I am not an irrational person, I don't let this fear keep me from doing things. ;)
This is the little island we went to for our Stingray Adventure. It was really pretty and we were there for our sunshiny-est day.

Here are our little friends. Renae said when she snorkeled before, her instructor likened them to cats...we made lots of jokes about that.

As we walked around Nassau, several different people called us Charlie's Angels...then at dinner we got it a couple more times. Because we are such idiots (seriously idiots) we took this next pic.
I didn't like the referral that well, because it meant I was Drew Barrymore.

Day 3 took us to Royal Caribbean's private island Cococay. (the date printed on this pic is wrong, it was the 24th)
We were excited to go kayaking on the pretty little island, but the weather wouldn't cooperate. It rained us out and the sun never showed his face. We waited for an hour for the rain to clear (which it did) but the wind was too strong.

We were left to entertain ourselves...which we do quite well. We played volleyball and relaxed in a hammock and took pics.

We sunbathed with towels for blankets...I think Dana still applied 3 coats of sunscreen throughout the day. hahaha
After we had as much fun as possible on Cococay, we headed back to the ship.

As we got close to the ship, we could see the anchor chains going into the water. (this is where I make fun of Renae, it's ok because she never reads my blog anyway.)
Renae turns to me and asks me (in all seriousness,) "Teri, how do they get the anchor in at an angle?" Realizing that she was dead serious I gave her a straight answer and then we all had a great laugh. "Oh, that makes sense...I just thought maybe they shot it out or something." Hahaha Renae is always good for a laugh. :)

That night we went to the free entertainment which happened to be a pretty funny comedian. Much better than the singers/dancers they had....they were ridiculously terrible, and by that I mean that I could have joined their little group and fit right in...seriously...I was embarrassed for them. Embarrassed and annoyed...I refused to clap for them because that is how I am. As funny as the comedian was, we thought we were funnier. He stopped us outside after the show and talked to us for about an hour. We had fun making fun of the comedian...everything he said, we had something funnier to say (at least in our opinion.)

We stayed up late and went to the club to dance after we broke away from Mr. Funny Man. It was the one night we weren't in bed unusually early.
The forth day we stopped in Key West, FL. We got our swimsuits and sundresses on and headed off the ship, only to turn around and change. It was pretty cold before noon...then it warmed up, but not enough to ever go into any water. We walked around and did some shopping, laughing at each other the whole time.
We had a different towel animal in our room every is the cat a.k.a stingray.
Once we got back to Miami, we had several hours to kill before our flight left. Luckily Justin's best friend Scott lives in the area. We called him and he took some time to hang with us for a while. Scott is always good for a laugh and we had a great time with him.
Summary: Although the weather wasn't as nice as we would have liked, we had a blast regardless because friends always supply a way to laugh...whether you are laughing at them or with them, it is good times. :)
We are already thinking about where our next girls' trip should be...New York, or Renae's homeland (Mexico)???
SO....If you are one of our friends (or want to be ;) start saving up so you can join us next time!


Carola said...

looks like lots of fun to me

Stacey said...

Great picts! Glad you had fun!

Renae and Keith said...

So I did read your blog, to those who see my comment, I am not that dumb(not all the time at least). Good story Ter. You did a good job summing it up. Only if everyone could have been there to really see how much fun it was. Ahh memories. Can't wait for the next trip!!!!

Jem said...

I think you three could probably have fun just going to the grocery store! You are lucky to have two such close friends and a good husband.